Day 5 - Last update
good morning
on the beach boi
oh man..
not so good morning
geez this was so good. coconut chile and shrimp
no shoes no service
Darst brewin..
This blurry image was shot with my iphone.. Marchione finding some deals at this sick spot. Voss front row seats.
natural tranny for..
Anthony Marchione Wallride
The unidentified man to the left owned the house that Anthony wallrided
He was hyped!
Great trip to TJ.. was very very productive. Solid crew.
If you come out to skate here, make sure you come with someone who speaks Spanish
and make sure you have some extra pesos in your wallet to pay off the cops
Coffee and cake with Ivan at the border.
See you in Brazil #valo6 #valoinbrazil
Day 4
short man
Mega Dirt Ramp
Voss car grind
floor is nice
grime floor roll to fish
not for the vegetarians
see you tomorrow for the final update
Day 3
Can see San Diego from here
Itchy enjoying the view
airbnb life
Voss quick mute air at the local park
SK with the SK2
Beach vibes. Whattup Chinatown
dad van
Ant Man
spot checking
getting lost into the unknown
Anthony finishing this line off
Sylvain stylee
Voss Setup
day 4 tomorrow...
Day 2
Voss slide on the fat bar
spot checking
Marchione staying true on this ledge
Sylvain stylee
Itchy with a Zero Switch AO Fish
Hot Crew
See you tomorrow for day 3
Day 1
Solid crew
(Vossoughi, Marchione, Darst and Sylvain)
No return
Cash money
Hot cakes
Darst about to rip
Itchy with the drop mistrial
Tomorrow Day 2 in Tijuana